lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020



 In today's post I bring you a little story about the important women in history. It's true that there are many who have had some prestige or fame in history, but unfortunately many of them throughout their lives did not have the recognition they deserved as it is the case of Hedy Lamarr, without whom today we would not know nor would exist the wifi, essential tool in our daily life.

On the other hand, we must place ourselves in the context in which during this period, these women lived in a macho society where women barely had any rights. This is why escaping and being specialists, even dying for their dreams, like Dian Fossey, (she died to protect the gorillas at the hands of poachers), is worth admiring.

So I leave you with a little story about what will happen so that we know who these women are.
First, you will see a script detailing the dialogue that will take place in a video, which we will explain and show in the next post.

 And what better image to summarize and introduce a video than a comic?
For this, we have used again the application "canvas". I really recommend you to use this tool, from my point of view, there is no better tool to create so many different elements, from comics, to presentations, to make personal resumes.

The good thing is that all these applications can be done with your students because they are easy, simple and free.

We will place the following project in commemoration of Women's Day... And... what will happen? Who are these women?

I leave you a small preview of our video 😏

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IMPORTANT WOMEN THROUGHOUT HISTORY    Good afternoon!! How are you? I hope you're all well despite the situation we're still in...