jueves, 2 de abril de 2020

Canvas APP

Hi!!! First and foremost I hope that you all manage the quarantine very well and that you and your family members are in good health.
Today we are going to see what the Canva application is, what it is used for and what its possibilities are.
Well, Canva is an application that serves to make computer graphics, by this we mean "information papers" very visual and with clear and accurate information, such as a flyer.
Once we have chosen our Canvas project, it allows us to add photos or videos or both, either our own or through the search engine that the application itself offers. The problem with the ones available through the application is that many of them have to be paid for, that is, if there is no icon in the image they are free, but if at the bottom right we see "€" it is that it is paid for. The same will happen with the rest of the elements.
We can also change the background, size, color and shape of the letters.
Something that this application also has and that I find very interesting is the possibility of adding QR codes and social networks like Instagram or Facebook.

Take advantage now that we have time and start making your first report!

I already have mine for the return to school, and what are you waiting for?

Why why should we heat up? de Tania Mateos Romera

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